I have showcased a Graphic preview of my User Experience methods below. This visual data will be useful in summarizing my UX exposure and the research process I follow in general. I may skip or reshuffle some methods, based on the case in hand.
I distribute all UX/UI steps into 4 phases :
Phase 1 : RESEARCH

Phase 2 : IDEATION

Phase 3 : DESIGN



LinksLine UX Case Study
I have showcased some of my UX Designing Work, to provide an overview of my methods. My UX Designing Experience has always been integrated with UI design and Graphics. As I worked as Graphics and UX/UI designer, I handled both areas. Click on the Button below to view the project in detail.

Tourism Ministry – Airport Kiosks
I got deployed at Tourism Ministry, by my company, as UI/UX Designer for a Project of Airport Kiosks to facilitate the Tourists on their arrival. The technical aspects of this project were being handled by engineers & developers in the team, and I was responsible for User experience design. In simple words, I was required to make the Kiosk machine’s interface user-friendly for faster & effective guidance of tourists. Click on the Button below to view the project in detail.